Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Final RAK Reflection

How long did a typical random act of kindness take and how were you inspired to do one?
My RAK didn't take so long. It took two minutes.  I watched a video and I looked RAK list.

How did you react to receiving a random act of kindness? Do you know who had you? If so, how?  
Çağla helped to my homework because I didn't my homework, she came and helped my homework. I was surprised and I smiled.

How did the recipient of any of your acts react to them?
They  were surprised and happily (Kerem was sewer).

What was your reaction, or how did you feel, after doing a random act of kindness?Which was better for you – receiving a random act of kindness or doing one? Why?
II think receiving because receiving make feel like valuable and respectable to person and I like this emotion. 

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